Chicken sauteed in white wine, garlic, and other stuff; with roasted sweet potatoes. Stellar! My wife is amazing.
Photography. Graphic Design. Music.
She tells of her Ukrainian history through this animation. Phenomenal. The way she forms the faces and other objects so quickly with her fingers or sprinkling sand from her fist is unbelievable.
I was checking out the TBP (The Best Part) blog (excellent resource for graphic design and typography examples & inspiration; check it out and subscribe!), and I saw this great post on modern day movie posters redesigned.
This is great! I was cruising through How About Orange http://howaboutorange.blogspot.com/ (the blog) and saw this. It was actually not bad at all, except for a few logos that don't have the key letters that really show off the differences obviously, those were hard. I got 19 of 20 right. Try it!
This is great! I was cruising through How About Orange http://howaboutorange.blogspot.com/ (the blog) and saw this. It was actually not bad at all, except for a few logos that don't have the key letters that really show off the differences obviously, those were hard. I got 19 of 20 right. Try it!