Love the Moleskine.
For those of you who do not know, it is the legendary notebook used by many famous writers & painters such as Picasso, Hemingway, and Chatwin. You can read about the history on the website.
If you have never experienced a Moleskine notebook/journal, I would highly recommend. It is a superb tactile experience.
If you are a Moleskine aficionado, then you must find out the rank of your addiction here. I am quite sure that it will help you cope. I am a level 4 addict, 'Apprentice'. (Because I embossed my name on the cover. Sweet. It was my first shot at it. I've gotten much better at it since then.)
I wanted to post a few photos of my Moleskine experience, and a sketch as well. The sketch below is the small beginnings of some of the work I posted months ago, the 'New Jerusalem'.
Check out the Moleskine website, you can get all sorts of journals, city guide journals, weekly planners, graph paper, Japanese according books, watercolor sketchbooks, etc. It's amazing. They also come in small, large, or extra large. You can pick them up at Barnes & Noble, Borders, stationary shops, and online of course.
I'm thinking about getting a pocket sized one for sketching design ideas ... enjoy.
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