Want! Love it!
These too: http://doanepaper.bigcartel.com/product/zebra-no-2-mechanical-pencil-0-7mm-pack-of-3
Photography. Graphic Design. Music.
I've always found the MSK feature (so far) to be a bit cumbersome and clunky. It doesn't function quite as intuitively as I would like. For one thing, the format does always seem to spit out right onto the paper, and it wastes a whole sheet of paper for one tiny Moleskine page that you cut out. It would be nice to print multiple pages at once.
Any one else with me on this? Thoughts?
She tells of her Ukrainian history through this animation. Phenomenal. The way she forms the faces and other objects so quickly with her fingers or sprinkling sand from her fist is unbelievable.
I was checking out the TBP (The Best Part) blog (excellent resource for graphic design and typography examples & inspiration; check it out and subscribe!), and I saw this great post on modern day movie posters redesigned.
This is great! I was cruising through How About Orange http://howaboutorange.blogspot.com/ (the blog) and saw this. It was actually not bad at all, except for a few logos that don't have the key letters that really show off the differences obviously, those were hard. I got 19 of 20 right. Try it!
This is great! I was cruising through How About Orange http://howaboutorange.blogspot.com/ (the blog) and saw this. It was actually not bad at all, except for a few logos that don't have the key letters that really show off the differences obviously, those were hard. I got 19 of 20 right. Try it!
This is a typeface that I have been working on recently. I haven't 'named' it or anything yet. But it has been a fun project. I've never designed a typeface before, at least not to the point of making it functional. Any good sites or DIY articles/resources you would recommend?
Anyway, I just slapped it on the daily market trends page. I like it."What would happen if you removed "amazing," "incredible," "easy," and "great" from Apple keynotes."
This is a little ridiculous, but true. I'm not surprised. I'm even impressed.
I'm glad to see that they are continuing to innovate and offer new colors and possibilities for creativity & personal preference over at Moleskine.
*Side Note: I LOVE the smell of the paper in the Moleskine Sketchbooks! Wow, so good.
This would (will) be a lot of fun to play with!
Tiltshift (Wiki): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiltshift
This is pretty gnarly funk. Great song. Wild graphics. Enjoy.
Check out more of Michael Paul Young's work here: http://www.michaelpaulyoung.com
This is a great way to rethink voicemail. We all hate it. It's true. We'd rather text or email, but not leave voicemails. And with the advent of all the mobile web/computing handsets, there is no need for the archaic system of our current voicemail. I like this fresh take. It makes tons of sense.
This could be a fun little tool/game for creatives, whatever discipline you concentrate on. My wife loves to write; perhaps she could use this to challenge herself to write 20 minute short stories ... Or perhaps a designer could come up with a quick composition or a sketch illustrating the results of this spin (click) of the wheel(s). Fun. Keep creating.
This could be a fun little tool/game for creatives, whatever discipline you concentrate on. My wife loves to write; perhaps she could use this to challenge herself to write 20 minute short stories ...
Or perhaps a designer could come up with a quick composition or a sketch illustrating the results of this spin (click) of the wheel(s). Fun.
Keep creating.
Rhythm Is A Dancer (Mux Mool Edit) by Snap (6452 KB)
Listen on posterous
Rhythm Is A Dancer 2003 by Snap (3840 KB)
Listen on posterous
Free download, check it out! A stellar compilation of remixes/covers. Eclectic in an electronic sense, form etheral and ambient, no poppy upbeat. Gnarly collection. Head over to ISO50 and check it out.
Free download, check it out! I'm groovin' to it right now. Great stuff. Scott Hansen and his crew over at ISO50 put some great stuff together, graphically as well as musically (and design in general). Head on over there and hit it up.
This is blowing my mind!
It is very iPhone'ish with its finger movements. But it is totally rethinking what mobile computing could look like using the tablet model. Two 7" screens that fold into a book format that you could slip into your bag or carry under your arm. This is crazy.
Dude! Very iPhone'ish with the finger movements, etc. But a very different way of thinking about mobile computing. Crazy!
This is blowing my mind.
The Pen Addict, aka Brad, has got a great review of this fine specimen of pen protective technology. Read the full review here: http://www.penaddict.com/2009/09/review-nomadic-roller-pencil-case.html
I think this things is stellar. I have quite a load of pens myself, but none of them "costly" by nature, maybe one. But it's still cool! *Want
Oh man. This is so ideal. Portable polaroid printer combine with a Japanese style folding Moleskine. Dah! Too bad they are unavailable at this time. Here is the direct website: http://www.polapremium.com/shop/accessories/ac_pogo_se_edition