Here are two more pieces similar to the previous post. I am continuing to explore this 'new to me' idea of vector landscape. I am continually influenced by Scott Hansen's work. Check out this poster, you'll get the idea. His talent is remarkable.
Hansen (Aka 'Tycho') also uses Photoshop brushes & accents after he has finished the vector work in Illustrator, which gives the piece its distinct distressed look. Bringing the vectors into PS allows for a myriad of unique options typically unavailable in IL. This is still an unexplored avenue for me to this point; but I hope to experiment sometime in the relatively near future.
I just need a sweet idea. Lemme know whatcha think.
Tunes: I Am in Love With You by Imogen Heap from 'Speak for Yourself' (Check out Hide & Seek also, an amazing song.)

so tight.
Thanks bro.
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