First Post. Challenging. Intimidating. Scary.
Fundamental Issue #1: Most people blog for the sake of hearing themselves talk. (Which immediately brings the substance of this post into question. Ha-ha.) They assume they have a vast wealth of knowledge about this topic or that topic, or that people have copious amounts of useless time to dedicate to the reading of their online melodramas.
Do I assume that I have anything more interesting to offer? Perhaps not. Do I have vast volumes of knowledge to bequeath upon the masses. Most definitely not, and I will try not to blog like I do. But, none the less, I don't want to be just another one of those.
I hope this to be more about photography & design than anything else. But if I get inspired, perhaps I will go on a few rants about politics, religion, the church, etc. Don't think I won't. I just want it to be interesting and helpful. I hope to post designed & photographed eye candy, samples of awesome work elsewhere, and whatever else I come across.
Fundamental Issue #2: I do not have a digital camera of my own. Gross. If I want to shoot, I have to borrow. Annoying. That's way less impulsive, spontaneous, and convenient. Clearly. Also, I don't have a scanner. Gross x2. I have limited abilities to import textures and any other awesome material I find.
So all the 'sweet eye candy' that I hope to post at this point will have to be purely based from the existing libraries that I have right now. But, all that said, I have no excuses for not producing any work at the present. Samples to come soon, hopefully.
Here is a shot from the Amsterdam Airport last June, 07.
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